Watch Nico Rosberg Rip a Koenigsegg Regera Around Monaco

The sound the Koenigsegg Regera makes is pure bliss.

Nico Rosberg celebrated the Monaco GP with a very special drive through the circuit in a Koenigsegg Regera. This was Rosberg’s first time in a Koenigsegg and he didn’t hold back when he was behind the wheel. First, he took the hypercar through the same circuit that Formula 1 drivers take for the Monaco GP and then headed out for the mountains. When he made it to the mountain pass, he really opened the Regera up, allowing the twin-turbo 5.0-liter V8 engine to breathe. The sounds this powertrain makes are absolutely wonderful and should be heard by all.

Click play on the video up above to see and hear the Koenigsegg Regera in action. If you’re looking to add a Koenigsegg to your collection, click the button below to see what’s for sale.

Image and Info Source: Nico Rosberg/YouTube